While the Kyon Ho Gaya Na director’s biggie project Mera Bharat Mahaan with Preity and Salman is being put together, Samir Karnik has decided to do a quirky quickie, a kind of follow-up to his ready-for-release Nanhe Jaisalmer (now entitled Nanhe).
Entitled Roshan, the new Karnik project brings together the rapidly- rising Kangana Ranaut with her Shakalaka Boom Boom co-star Bobby Deol. Bobby, of course is now a favourite of Karnik. The actor, who plays himself in Nanhe, just can’t stop praising the director, the film and his young co-star Dwij Yadav who plays the title role.
In an intriguing reprise of his earlier film, Karnik again brings together Bobby and his Nanhe co-star Dwij in Roshan, with Kangana thrown in for good measure. According to sources, Bobby who played actor Bobby Deol in Nanhe, plays a doctor in Roshan. Both the films are designed as intimate arthouse products meant to be carried to film festivals. According to a source, Nanhe and now Roshan are Bobby’s passport to the festival circuit.
To be produced by Eros Entertainment Roshan’s cinematography will be done by the inimitable Binod Pradhan. It starts shooting on 6 May.